E. Manguiat - She requested to pray for God to increase in her business and to give her more clients. Our sister who is also faithful and obedient to God, received God's generosity in her life. By God's grace, she received what she prayed for. All glory to God.
M. Gutierrez - Our sister in Christ requested for prayers of provision for her and her husband. She patiently waited for God's provision and stays faithful follower of Christ. Thank you God that you mind the needs of the elders and you care for them even in when they are old. We give all glory to You!
R. Mendoza - He asked prayers to be able to go to the Philippines. God is truly faithful that all he needed for his trip and his work were all taken cared of by God. Lord you are truly sovereign. Thank you for all the blessings!
Y. Manabat - She asked to pray for provisions to be able to spend time with family. Truly our God is faithful that she and her family were able to go together in a memorable local trip to spend quality time with the family. Thank you Lord for all the blessings!