I. Garcia - Our sister in Christ requested for prayers for a successful, application of U.S. Visa. By the grace of God, the entire family successfully received U.S. visa. All glory to God!
G. Giron - One of our sisters, requested prayers to successfully finish her doctorate degree. For months we interceded for our sister in Christ she successfully finished her Doctorate degree. To God be all the glory!
C. Giron - This brother in our fellowship requested prayers for his schooling. Thank you Lord he completed his NC2 in Tesda. God is truly faithful.
G. Giron - Our sister in Christ is also requested to pray for the coming school year. We are grateful to God students officially enrolled for academic year 2nd semester. Plus, accreditation for the Bachelor of Public Administration Level 2 is successful. All glory to God.
R. Mendoza - Praise be to God, our brother completed and graduated from his study on Pastoral Care amidst his busy schedule. Thank you Lord for your leading in his life. To God be all the glory!
I. Daria - Our sister in Christ requested prayers to find the right people to help her with business. The Lord brought 2 people to help her. God is gracious all the time. All glory to God!