June 2023 - Physical & Spiritual Blessings

June 2023 - Physical & Spiritual Blessings

A. Regaliza - A christian brother was saved from suicidal attempts and was freed by the Lord. Functioning well, attending zoom meetings. All glory to God.

C. Magpoc - Requested prayer of healing for her grand daughter with high fever. Our fellowship prayed for the baby and by God's, she is healed. Praise God for your healing power.

M. Gutierrez - Our sister in Christ requested prayer for healing of her swollen hands. We prayed for her during our fellowship and all glory to God, she is healed with the help of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the healing power of your blood, Jesus.

I. Daria - Our sister in Christ requested for healing from anxiety. She had online deliverance. The Lord is faithful, she is freed from her anxiety. All glory to God!