Pure Motives

Pure Motives

This is the order of responsibility due to weightiness of the position that the apostle, prophets, and teachers are charged with as they are direct carriers and bearers of God's Word, revelations through the voice of His Spirit and the glory that is attached to it. This is Holy Spirit New Testament order as He shows in His Word. Often, un-necessary misunderstandings and divisions occur in the church due to lack of personal knowledge in the Word or wilful ignorance to the truth. I pray you will not be found fighting against God Himself or against His will. This is not to denigrate or demean the value of other gifts as they have equal importance in the building up of the church both individual and corporate but in their own diverse ways that the Holy Spirit permits as He wills. Every gift is attached with a level of responsibility and accountability before God but it's on a much higher level with Apostles (can be pastors), Prophets (can be pastors), and Teachers (can be pastors). So therefore those who carry those positions of leadership offices should be given much respect and honour for the blood, sweat and tears that they labour tirelessly in the gospel, in service to propagating the truth and prophetic message to many and to the world. May we all be grounded spiritually in the Word as being grounded safeguards against deception and deters the evil one from using you as a pawn to do his will - to tear down the leadership of a church, and more so, a Spirit filled church which will surely guarantee an eventual judgment from the Lord that commensurates with the level of crime committed. Therefore, let us be renewed in our hearts and be content with whatever gifts the Lord has already assigned us with and be faithful and steward it well so that He may promote you to the highest offices in His perfect time and according to His sovereign will. Lastly, never covet someone's calling. Emulations (selfish ambitions) is a work of the flesh that is against the fruit of the Spirit. See Galations 5:20. You will not inherit the kingdom of God if you are practising this in your mind and actions. If you desire or are inspired by someone's position or calling, then learn from them but with a humble and teachable heart. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you with wisdom. Again, check your attitude when it comes to desiring gifts to glorify God - May it come from pure motives and a love to serve others with all sincerity of heart. Most importantly may you be led by the Holy Spirit in this matter.